What Peaple Are Saying
Participant Testimonials from our Comm-Unity Listening Circles
“Spending quality time with Lisa & Brian is one of the most exquisite moments for me. Often followed by an insight: WHO AM I NOW? It`s not only the way they listen, it`s also asking questions, reflecting on what they have heard. Compassionate listening is one of their loving skills. We are a group of people who never met before, living around the world on different continents and time zones – and able to find a time, that works for all of us. Our talks are intimate in a safe space – and I don`t like to miss a meeting. The group became friends – a community – a family with loving kindness – and takes care of each other. This is very rare in these days. Blessings to both of you Lisa & Brian.” Doris, Berlin-Germany
“I have participated in several circles led by Brian and Lisa, and their example of deep and compassionate listening has greatly influenced my own communication skills. Recently, I experienced an interaction with someone whose views opposed mine, yet I was able to listen openly and non-judgmentally. I realized then what Brian and Lisa have been demonstrating: that peace is a choice, a way of living. In these polarized times, we can all benefit from the skills they bring to their work.” Julie H, Maryland USA
“A friend invited me to a Com-Unity Listening Circle, which is held every Monday on Zoom. The moderators, Brian and Lisa Berman, are joined by people from around the world. What I did not expect but discovered was powerful, was when Brian or Lisa mirrored back the themes and sentiments that were expressed by a participant. I personally felt heard, but something else magic happened when others were bearing witness, and Brian and Lisa were meticulously reflecting back on what I had said. It was an acknowledgment that I exist and am valued. The Comm-Unity Listening Circle meets a desperate need in all of us to be listened to and to feel our lives matter. Underlying the unifying theme is the deep love the Berman’s have for Mother Nature and the Earth. Each meeting begins with a video by Gary Malkin, which reminds us we come from Nature and, thus we are essential and our lives matter. There are no answers to the deeply divided world we live in, just reflections of our eternal unity in Nature’s world where all-is-one. Knowing, feeling, and living this truth will pave the way to a peace-loving world—the more we are listened to without judgment.” Suzanne H., WA USA
“I appreciate Brian and Lisa and the holding of the listening circles. To be in mindful presence with each other is a gift I treasure. You both create, with your heartfelt curiosity and wonder, a beautiful space. A space where, all parts, facets, emotions of the human experience are welcome. That is something very healing to me and always uplifting. Even when I’m not feeling great, I leave feeling seen and that helps relieve the difficulty. How wonderful to find soulful community online that lets us know we are one when we resonate with the heart. Many many thanks for keeping the space going week after week.Much Aroha! (Breath of life/spirit of love) to you both.” Stephanie F, New Zealand
“In the wake of the tragic attack and kidnappings in Israel on October 7, 2023, Brian and Lisa Berman extended an invitation to the worldwide Unity Earth community to join them for “a four-week listening circle via Zoom”. Around a dozen people began gathering for the weekly circles which, though initially focused on the violence in Israel-Palestine, soon became a forum for a broader range of sharings. So much so, that the initial period was extended and extended again, until it became an ongoing offering that continues to this day, more than a year later.
Why an offering? While it’s true that the group members each contribute what is “most on their heart” as a kind of offering to one another, it is without a doubt and most of all, the loving and masterful service offered by Brian and Lisa as they guide us, that has allowed the full-flower of beloved community to emerge in the group we now call Comm Unity. We’ve become a small, deeply-connected group that, amazingly, hails from five continents!
Much depends on how a circle opens, and Lisa tends to that by playing gentle instrumental music as we gather each week, and moving on to a meditative piece, so that we begin in silence. She then invites the establishment of the circle by the simple sharing of names and the places we’re joining from. Finally, she invites that when we feel moved, we share something “on our heart”.
Gently then, Brian recognizes each speaker in turn with a warm, “N…, please”. But the most nourishing and powerful part of their holding space for us comes just after each person speaks. Brian and Lisa take turns reflecting back the essential elements of each person’s share, using their own words as well as quoting the speaker. This is inestimably helpful and encouraging as it gives each one present an opportunity to “hear for a second time” what was just spoken.
Never steering, rarely commenting, the two truly hold space for what will emerge from the group as each one is moved to share. As a result, they are most often the last to share, deferring to and remaining in service of the community’s discernment and inspiration. It is also clear that Brian and Lisa’s humble service flows out of a profound care for and delight in the other, as well as hope for the future. They joyfully go about their mission: midwifing peace as a better world struggles to be born.” Annie S. Texas
“The Comm-Unity Listening Circle was called into being, via https://oneworld.earth, by inspiring peace artisans Brian and Lisa Berman* soon after the 7th October 2023 deplorable atrocious retaliatory Palestinian insurgency into Israel.
I feel this weekly online/Zoom listening circle has turned out to be rather transmutative for those who have been soulfully participating, sharing humbly in the moment our heart’s content. To me Comm-Unity Listening Circle is an alchemic circle in ‘lovingry‘**❣️ Comm-Unity has helped me realize that the prerequisite to ecologically thriving “livingry” is lovingry i.e. effective love in actions for common good, mindful of personal flourishing, and sustained equitable prosperity for generations present and to be born. Each person has the innate potential of a love fusion-generator. Tex Jude G.A. Calgary, Canada
Brian and Lisa Berman’s Comm-unity Listening Circle is a weekly coming home for me. It has been my privilege to attend weekly for the past 14 months – BE-ing in this beautiful community of deep listeners has been a safe space to land, no matter what is taking place in the world. I have shared joys, sadnesses, major and minor life changes, always feeling supported; always knowing a sense of family. At this time in our world when people crave both a space to belong and the freedom to show up living their truth, Brian and Lisa have invited us into their field of Love and Light, acceptance, and Sacredness, where we get to BE the safe space we wish to see.” Haseena P. New Castle, South Africa
More People Are Saying
From the Director of the Teaching Academy at New Mexico State University:
To Whom It May Concern:
In June 2014, I had the privilege of hosting a two-day Art of Listening workshop that was facilitated by Lisa and Brian Berman. I have hosted other listening workshops but this one was absolutely exceptional.
Although teaching and advising are often associated with talking, they require good listening in equal measure. This is especially true when advising a student or when leading a class discussion, particularly on a controversial subject.
Lisa and Brian helped us embrace conflict as an invitation to explore meaning and to deepen true connection with our students and colleagues. They gave us tools to find compassion and peace within ourselves, then with our community. Lisa and Brian worked with us to help us suspend our judgments as we listen. They also helped us listen without composing what we are going to say next.
Participants raved about the workshop. In their words:
- Wow. Their style in a workshop is an inspiration to my own teaching. Their lessons in self-love and compassionate listening should stay with me as I work through my own troubles and listen to those of others. Thank you.
- Don’t expect the usual—this is a therapeutic departure—daring to be a victim no more—giving the perpetrator a chance to be heard.
- It is one of the best workshops I have ever been to.
- If you’re open, it could be cathartic and life-changing.
- It’s life changing.
- Best workshop that the Teaching Academy offers
- I will be compassionate with myself and others. I will listen with an open heart, checking for facts, feelings and values.
- I agree with the assessments of the participants. Of the dozen or so workshops that I have heard every year for the past ten years, this is among the very, very best for teachers.
On our mid-sized campus, the workshop attracted 33 faculty, staff and graduate students. Participants rated the workshop a 6.9 out of 7 possible points.
I highly commend this workshop to you without reservation.
Feel free to contact me with questions at tgray@nmsu.edu.
Cordially Yours,
Tara Gray, Ph.D.
From the Director of the Teaching Academy at New Mexico State University:
To Whom It May Concern:
In June 2014, I had the privilege of hosting a two-day Art of Listening workshop that was facilitated by Lisa and Brian Berman. I have hosted other listening workshops but this one was absolutely exceptional. read more…
It is one of the best workshops I have ever been to.
I will love myself. I will be compassionate with myself and others. I will listen with an open heart checking for facts, feelings and values.
Many thanks to Brian and Lisa for a great learning experience. You both are fabulous!
Lisa and Brian are both a great asset to any community they happen to be part of. They are a powerful healing/teaching team. Their compassionate listening in relationship, and other workshops I’ve attended were very insightful and well organized. They plan well beforehand, and are at ease in letting the group evolve in the moment. (I say this coming from a background in group facilitation; so my standards in this area are pretty high!) If you are reading this because Lisa and Brian are coming your way; then you are fortunate indeed.
Lisa & Brian, you are great facilitators! We got so much out of your couples workshop. You have touched my life in so many ways. Thank you for all that you have done for so many.
Brian and Lisa Berman facilitated a Compassionate Listening workshop at the Three Jewels Dharma Hall in Fort Bragg, California. The workshop was a great success for the community and inspired a series of meetings in the months that followed. The group discontinued the meetings as the member’s lives took different directions; however, everyone that attended the workshop was forever changed and grateful for the experience. Brian and Lisa create powerful cultures of peace in our families, communities, and the world.
This was a holistic experience. It is a very holistic approach to personal and professional development stemming from a recognition of voice.
Very helpful, affirming, and RESTFUL! A wonderful way to connect with your inner self to help understand how to become a better listener.
I attended this wonderful workshop that created a safe, loving environment to allow us to explore how we listen.
The best two days I invested and took away from my work environment.
Thank you, Brian and Lisa, so very much for these gatherings … I learned so much, now to take it into my daily life communications with beloved friends, and husband, and family, and strangers, and tele callers too!
I feel deep gratitude for both of you. There are so many opportunities for peace and compassion to show up in our lives- yet in my “busyness,” I have managed to miss many of them. Brian and Lisa are treasures in our community. Love always.
The Peace In Relationship” workshop gave us amazing new tools to use in connecting with each other and gave us ways to effectively use them in our personal lives. A Thankful Couple
Thank you so much for what you do. I truly believe that it is the one thing that will bring peace, understanding, and compassion in a world full of hate and discontent. Peace be with you and yours. Sincerely, Kris T., Navy
The Compassionate Listening you offer to people is a real gift that has lasting benefits, which I know will be true for our students as it is for others whose hearts you touch. It is clear that the work was good for the group and that it opened new possibilities for their self-knowing and for their relationships at home and at work. I wish you a good summer and continued blessings in your work and lives. Thank you from all of us. Warm regards, Paula Green, Karuna Center for Peacebuilding www.karunacenter.org, School for International Training/CONTACT www.sit.edu/contact
Compassionate Journey Testimonials
Bless this state of grace!
I’m deeply touched at the end of these seven days. Life after this will be a new adventure. I feel like I just got off a ladder ten stories up the shaft of awareness. I am exhausted, but exhilarated. This practice of compassion and compassionate listening is very humbling; I feel challenged in a way I’ve never felt before, with a strong sense of connectedness with every one of the participants after what we shared as a group and exchanged as individuals and by curious extension, I feel a new kind of connectedness with all beings around me. Wherever I go, I meet strangers whose lives appear tenderly fragile, whose faces hold the potential for injury or enlightenment. I release judgment, the inner quarrels, the treadmill of tiring mental acrobatics. To be present with heartfelt intent and show my light ˆ that’s what’s on now.
I felt seen and loved, held and cherished in that space. Ah, to carry this forward regardless! My thanks to Brian and Lisa and Eve for their devotion. Alexa D.
….I continue to exist in a new state of lightness after the lifting of an incredible weight in Berlin. Lisa was my small group leader and I consider myself truly blessed. She created an amazing cocoon of safety for us with her gentleness and caring and sensitivity. She was extremely careful to keep everything focused on the speakers needs until the speaker was finished, not letting us get of course. At the same time she was clear at the beginning about time management so that everyone got their turn. Phyllis S.
Thank you, Brian and Lisa for the incredible life changing experience. Linda W.
Hello Listeners my old friends, It’s Audrey writing from my living room in Berlin. I wanted to say THANK YOU to you all for bringing your precious light to the group, and all that smooshy stuff. I regret not being able to be completely present on the last day and having to duck out suddenly. I hope the last lunch was glorious and that you all made it on your ways safely (Kathy did you get your train reservation?)
In our short time together there were so many things that I was unable to put into words to *each* and every one of you, so I often chose not to even attempt. But I wanted to let you know that if there was anything you desired to hear of admiration for your courage, your undeniable radiating beauty (hint hint Dick), and gratitude for the intimacy that you shared, please imagine that I expressed it to you because I saw it but was dumbfounded beyond words. After taking a day to re-assemble myself, I can confirm that I am a fuller and clearer person through this journey, only possible through the humility and quality of your spirit.
Deep appreciation to Eve, Lisa, and Brian for your hard work, spaciousness, and for being the ones who brought us together. Much love to my Pod-ners in Crimes of senseless Peace and random generosity! Audrey
The Journey was one of the highlights of my life! It’s hard to describe how complete and grounded I felt in my core by the end of the week. I love telling people about it. I was able to share it more fully with a Jewish man and his daughter on our bicycle/canal boat trip in Holland. They had gone back to Berlin (I think it was Berlin) a few years ago to participate in an official apology ceremony. I look forward to telling the Compassionate Listening practice group here in Eugene about it–I know they’ll be very interested. Thank you again for making our wonderful week together possible. I hope you are satisfied with the results of your years of preparation. Love and hugs, Helen D.
Dear Brian and Lisa:
While sipping my tea this morning, I came across a quote by Rachel Naomi Remen: “The way to freedom from fear often lies through an open heart.” It made me think immediately of the Compassionate Journey in Berlin.
Before going on this delegation, I had viewed myself as being “narrow-minded” or “closed-minded” about Germany and Germans. I found justification for this for most of my adult life; indeed, there is a large community that supports such views. At a point when I recognized that this part of my life was totally out of sync with the rest of my values and my world view, I felt that my mind needed to be changed. The delegation to Germany was going to be that mind-opening vehicle for me.
Something else happened, however, on the evening of the 1st full day of the program: the ceremony of honoring our ancestors. As we gathered together around the table — Jews and non-Jews, Americans, Germans, British — and laid down pictures of our ancestors, lit candles, and told stories, my heart began to open. I felt connected to everyone in the room. And so it continued throughout the week. Each story, whether it came from someone in my pod, or an invited guest, or the Germans who joined us on the last weekend, or on a monument to those who perished, filled me with such compassion that at times I thought my heart could open no further. But it had no bounds. And the fears that I came with were gone.
So now I know that it was about being “closed-hearted” rather than “closed-minded”. Or maybe they exist in tandem. My childhood reactions to the Holocaust of fear and hate certainly closed down my heart and altered my capacity to love fully. I still find it difficult to explain to people the profound impact the experience had on me; I know that it is one of the most important things I have done. I am so grateful to you both for being such wonderful models of love and compassion and including me in your embrace in Berlin.
L’Shana Tova! May both of you be inscribed in the Book of Life for the coming year and continue your marvelous work.
Love, Phyllis